2008년 10월 26일 일요일

The Pearl - 7th blogging

Chapters 5 and 6 

Juana tries to throw the pearl away and Kino gets angry at her attitudes. Finally, he ends up hitting Juana and killing an attacker. Since he killed the man only because the man intimidated him, the death was a murder. The next day, the whole family attempts to leave the town to escape penalties. They try to avoid the trackers by sneaking out silently. However, as Coyotito cries, one of the trackers shoots him and Coyotito dies. Juana mourns and Kino feels guilty. At the end, they together throw the pearl to the ocean.

The pearl was a real evil to test the greediness of human beings. If Kino had sold the pearl to the dealer on the first hand, then the whole journey and the death of Coyotito wouldn’t have happened. Because Kino’s desire toward the pearl was so mighty, he put all of his efforts into himself, protecting the pearl. This made him to lose a good reputation as a husband and a townsman by hitting her and murdering another townsman. The pearl just totally ruined the whole family. 

2008년 10월 19일 일요일

The Pearl - 6th blogging

chapters 1,2,3,4

When the poor family Kino finds the greatest pearl, the family gets famous soon. Even the doctor, who ignored Kino’s ill son, Coyotito, envies the pearl. As soon as Kino finds the pearl, he decides to have an official marriage and to give education to his son, Coyotito. Also, Coyotito gets medical diagnosis from the doctor, who anticipates a great amount of money out of the pearl. When Kino finally decides to sell his treasure, he gets enthusiastic. However, when the prices called by the dealers were not enough for Kino’s anticipation, he gets angry and insists that the dealers are cheating on him. So, he stubbornly refuses to sell and keeps. On that night, an intruder comes in and hurts Kino. Then, Juana takes care of him and asks him to sell the evil pearl. However, still stubborn in his opinion, Kino refuses to sell and maintains on the fact that he will get a better price at the capital.

           Even though the greatest pearl brought wealth and fame to the Kino’s family, I don’t think it was a true wealth. People approached him because he financially changed, not a pure approach. I was also disappointed at the doctor because he immediately changed his attitude toward Kino after the news that he found the pearl of the world. Furthermore, I agree with Juana that the pearl is an evil pearl. It just made Kino greedy that he refused to sell his pearl at a thousand peso, which is a great amount of money. The pearl totally made him a greedy and obstinate person. On the other hand, I was surprised at Kino’s proposal of what to do with the money. If he were a normal poor person, he wouldn’t have thought about providing education to Coyotito, but rather material wealth to him. He thought the education was the only hope for them to get rid of the financial discrimination. I am looking forward to reading the next plot. I hope Kino doesn’t lose the innocent minds like at the beginning of the chapter.

2008년 10월 12일 일요일

The Great Gatsby - 5th Blogging

Chapters VII, VIII, IX

As Gatsby’s obsession toward Daisy grew stronger and stronger, the relationship between Daisy and Tom became more and more awkward. When, Tom finally encountered the situation with Gatsby, Daisy changed her mind that her husband is Tom and she has to be faithful. Then, the car accident happened. As Daisy was driving, she hit Myrtle. However, still in love with Daisy, Gatsby decided to take the blame. When he went back to home, the servant was asking him whether it would be okay or not to empty the pool. Not having enjoyed swimming for the whole season, Gatsby decided to swim and when he was on the air mattress, Wilson shot him and committed suicide. The surprising thing was, at his funeral, no one came except for his father, former servants, and Nick. Even though he threw out and sponsored massive parties and seemed like he knew everyone in East Egg, the social relationship was really shallow and no one really paid attention to him in reality.

  I think it was wrong for Gatsby to try to regain Daisy’s affection. Even though he was really desperate for Daisy, I still think he should have accepted the reality and given up. Also, at the same time, I think Gatsby was the victim of the media. People exaggerated things that he has done and made out rumors that made him suffer. Even at his funeral, the reporters made up the news about his death with exaggerations. I still do not get why he was the great Gatsby. I think everything he has done was very tragic. He only tried to catch one’s mind with his power and wealth. Is that considered great?