2008년 4월 5일 토요일

Brave New World - Characters

* Who are the main characters in the novel? Do you like them? Why or why not? What is special about them? What do they reveal about the universal human experience?

Bernard Marx – Although his caste was Alpha, he was always ignored by other castes because of his weak and inferior body. He liked Lenina that he went to the Savage Reservation with her. Before he found John, the Savage, he was always an outsider who was lonely and depressed. When he brought John and introduced him to the new world, he became popular as well as arrogant. He satisfied his grudge of being inferior to other Alpha men. As soon as he brought John, people started to admire him but some people were worried at his exaggerated arrogance. His popularity totally changed him. However, his fame did not last long. When John refused to meet other people, people criticized Bernard that he was so irresponsible. After that event, Bernard started to be corrupted and returned to his original state.

At first I liked Bernard’s thoughts that were pretty unique. He was questioning about their lives. Also he did not want physical love with Lenina. However, as he got famous, he trashed all of his unique thoughts and acted like a typical Alpha man. I did not like his attitude as the time passed. At first he was somewhat thankful to John. However, when John refused to meet others, Bernard became furious about the fact that John is not obeying his commands.

John – The Savage, John is a son of Tomakin, the director, and Linda, who was lost during the savage trip. When Bernard and Lenina found John, they brought John and also Linda to the new world. John, at first, was very curious about the new world that he agreed to go without any hesitation. When they arrived to the new world, John became very famous and was asked a lot of questions from the reporters. However, as he lived there longer, he felt awkward and soon hated the world. He could not understand why they were not allowed to read books, why they flirted with a lot of people, why they were so merciless, and so on. He tried to rebel and enlighten people that he argued with Mustapha Mond, who was one of the ten world controllers. He could not endure this awkwardness, which he left the new world and lived in the lighthouse by himself. However, people soon found out and interviewed him. He also saw Lenina but due to his loath of the new world, he whipped and killed her. Finally, he committed suicide.

John was a significant and the most dynamic character here, who destroyed the utopia so far. He could not adapt himself to this world. He tried to persuade people to live with feelings but they denied.

Lenina Crowne – A typical Beta woman. She flirted to almost every man but was strongly attracted to John the Savage.

Fanny Crowne – A typical woman in the world state. She was a roll model who followed the rules. Thus, she persuaded Lenina that it was right to flirt with many men.

Mustapha Mond – One of the ten controllers of the world state. He understood John but persuaded him to follow the rules of the world state, which promotes the happiness. He claimed that he gave up arts, literatures, religions, and others in order to pursue the happiness.

Helmholtz Watson – An alpha lecturer. However, he was too intelligent for his job. He was a friend of Bernard. He thought it was meaningless to live a life like this because he thought it was very boring.

Linda – She used to be a beta woman but when she was lost in the Reservation, she had a baby, which was considered as perverted in the new world. Thus, she was very hesitated to go back to her home.

Director (Tomakin) – He was a powerful character who commanded people. However, when John revealed the secret that he was Tomakin’s son, he became opened to attacks from others.

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It is true that all of these are the main characters. I think that according to my theme, Lenina and John were the main character of the novel.
John loved Lenina, but Lenina knew John just as person who would satisfy her.

I feel sorry for John, if he was born in the 20th century, he wouldn't have to debate with himself on what to do with Lenina.